Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (ISSN: 2664-2433) <p>Why <strong>Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (JRAS)</strong></p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Open Access:</strong> Provides free and unlimited access to all.</li> <li class="show"><strong>High visibility:</strong> Good Indexing and membership.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Authors Copyright <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)</a></strong>: The true ownership of the material lies with the author, hence have full control over your own research work.</li> <li class="show"><strong>In-depth Peer-Review</strong>: Provides authors with detailed feedback of their research work, hence can improve their manuscript, considerably.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Fast Track publication:</strong> Following a strict and well-defined double-blind peer review policy allows us to ensure quality and at the same time publish fast, thus all accepted papers are published online, immediately after acceptance.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Reviewers Recognition:</strong> double-blind peer review process is the cornerstone that ensures quality and it is not possible without reviewers, their dedication and timely review demand recognition, which is provided by best reviewer award, certification, and memberships.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Online ‘Free’ to publish: </strong>It does not have author publication charges (APC), free means free, and forever.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Scope: </strong>Multidisciplinary, integration of cross-disciplinary approach allows a better explanation of the problem at hand.</li> </ul> JRAS Publications en-US Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (ISSN: 2664-2433) 2664-2433 Deregulation of the Mauritian insurance industry to efficiently tackle money laundering: A comparison with Singapore <p>This paper aims to assess the current legal framework for money laundering control in the insurance sector. Essentially, this examination is premised on the interrogation of whether it is still appropriate for Mauritius to apply such stringent, opaque, and unyielding Anti-Money Laundering/Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) norms and rules on general insurance when developed nations such as Singapore have done away with them for more effective combat against money laundering. It would also be assessed why the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (FSC) cannot draw inspiration from its Singaporean counterpart in fighting money laundering more effectively. It is observed that a move towards deregulation of the legal framework on money laundering in the insurance sector with a more relaxed approach is more effective for the Mauritian insurance sector. Evidence is drawn from the Singaporean model. A restructuring of the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius is also warranted for such an approach to be adopted.</p> Bhavna Mahadew Copyright (c) 2023 Belongs to Author 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 1 7 The Impact of Visual Brand Content on Consumer Online Engagement: A Theoretical Overview <p>Customers are becoming more devoted to visual social media platforms nowadays. Thus, marketers have responded to this development and embraced branding innovation by producing visually engaging brand content. The main paper provided an overview of the connection between visual brand content and consumer engagement on social media based on a theoretical overview. In this article, the brand's visual content is explored separately, along with research on its numerous attributes. Consumer engagement,&nbsp;antecedents, and effects at each level (consumption, contribution, and production) were presented. The difference between textual and visual brand content in engaging customers, as well as the distinction between video and image&nbsp;content, are then brought up in the discussion of the link between the two notions utilizing research that has been done on the issue. Findings revealed that video and image both influence user engagement, including their different characteristics, and levels of engagement vary in terms of the vivacity of brand posts.</p> Mabrouk Khawla Bendahou Chaimaa Bennani Mounia Copyright (c) 2023 Belongs to Author 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 7 11 The Optimization of Energy Consumption by The Introduction of Iso 50001: A Case of An Algerian Company <p>World energy consumption is rapidly increasing. Oil remains the number one energy source, accounting for 33.1% of global energy consumption, but this is the smallest share of oil in a very long time. In addition to its economic cost to organizations, energy also has an environmental and societal cost due to the depletion of resources and certain problems, such as climate change, to which it contributes. It takes a long time to develop and deploy technologies to harness new and renewable energy sources. The Algerian company SONATRACH, one of the largest companies in the world, has started to implement the Energy Management System (EnMS) in its units. The question is: Has the implementation of the energy management system been successfully implemented? To better answer this question, we will use an evaluation tool specifically designed to assess the implementation of this system called ENERGIE-CHECK. For the second phase of this work, we will try to determine if this system will achieve the goals and objectives of the energy policy set by the company's general management.</p> SEFOUHI Linda MERKHI Tarek Copyright (c) 2023 Belongs to Author 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 12 18 Socioeconomic and Health Impacts Evaluation of Collective Welfare Grids in Pakistan <p>The study has assessed the welfare impacts of unconditional cash transfers of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) by using impact evaluation panel surveys conducted in 2016 (baseline) and 2019 (follow-up round). The panel survey contains information from both the beneficiary and non-beneficiary households, selected through a proxy means test (PMT) formula. The research has measured the welfare impacts of unconditional cash assistance across and over time where welfare has been defined by various socioeconomic indicators, including per-adult equivalent monthly consumption, headcount poverty, multidimensional poverty index (MPI) and child deprivation index (CDI). The results indicate that BISP cash assistance has a positive impact on household consumption while conducting the cross-sectional analysis; however, benefiting households are until facing high rates of poverty as the majority of them have not been transited out of poverty. No sustained welfare impact has been found, as the impacts of quarterly cash assistance on MPI and CDI are not significant in our cross-sectional analysis. The panel analysis shows that the recipient households' economic well-being has improved as measured through consumption and child deprivation indices.</p> Khan Zaib Muhammad Salman Latif Copyright (c) 2023 Belongs to Author 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 2 2 19 30